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I Want People To Come To Help Me

Why are people so darn selfish? And busy? It seems like everyone has more than they can manage on their plate. Which leaves me feeling all alone. And unable to get the help I want.

Have You Ever Wanted People’s Help And Found It Frustrating?

People just don’t have the time. Or they say they’ll come, but they don’t. And you have to spend all your time chasing after them, instead of getting the job done. It can be very frustrating. And depressing. Meanwhile, time doesn’t wait, and you watch helplessly as the tragedy unfolds. Another set of dreams gets dashed.

Let’s See What Causes This Depression

Is it the fact that people don’t cooperate, or is it my thinking about how things should be, that’s causing all this stress? Let’s do Blog Popcorn inquiry on this thought, “I want people to come to help me.” Let’s look closely at this thought, and see what is the source of pain.

Starts, Thursday, May 24th, 2012, at 11:30 AM Pacific Time.

Instructions For Blog Popcorn

1. Registration is required.
2. Use the comment section below.
3. Constantly refresh your browser to see new comments as they appear. Some people forgot to do this, and waited in vain for comments to appear. On my browser, Command-R refreshes the page. And I hit it every few seconds whenever I’m not typing throughout the session.
4. I will use red color when I’m in the role of facilitator, and plain text when I’m in the role of participant.
5. When you answer a question, use the “REPLY” link just under that question. This keeps the comments organized. If you don’t do this, and use the regular comment box at the bottom of the page, it will not keep the comments sorted.
6. Feel free to borrow from what others write. They will give you an idea for your own work. We’re all doing this together, and can learn a lot from each other.
7. You may use an initial, or a pseudonym, if you want to preserve your anonymity in the comments below.

Start by registering here.