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I’m Going To Run Out Of Money Soon

There is nothing more scary than this thought, “I”m going to run out of money soon.”

I get bitten by it sometimes. And so do all of us from time to time. In the culture of the world today, money is everything. And when it starts to run out, it can make you freeze like a deer in the headlights.

Even the most wealthy people sometimes have this thought. Because when you have more money, you also have more expenses.

So let’s get to the bottom of it. Is the money really running out? Let’s do some inquiry in the comments below and find out.

The Bills Keep Coming

The rent, the mortgage, the phone bill, the internet bill, the garbage, water, gas, electricity, and food expenses all keep coming every month. And then there are all the other things we’d like to do with money: travel, take courses, hire people to help us, get treatments, join a gym, give gifts, etc.

But there’s no hope when we think, “I”m going to run out of money soon.” It all goes out the window. We feel helpless and stressed. And powerless to save ourselves. Panic takes over, as we see our future going from bad to worse to worst.

Let’s Look At The Source Of That Panic This Week

Is it the money, or is it your thinking about the money that is causing all this stress?

In the comments below, at 8 AM Pacific Time on Thursday, May 17, 2012, we will question this thought, “I’m going to run out of money soon.” We will be doing Blog Popcorn–A group session doing The Work of Byron Katie in the comments below. Just show up at 8 AM on Thursday here and we’ll do it together.

If you’re new to Blog Popcorn, please learn more and register here. Registration is required.

Instructions For Blog Popcorn

1. Registration is required.
2. Use the comment section below.
3. Constantly refresh your browser to see new comments as they appear. Some people forgot to do this, and waited in vain for comments to appear. On my browser, Command-R refreshes the page. And I hit it every few seconds whenever I’m not typing throughout the session.
4. I will use red color when I’m in the role of facilitator, and plain text when I’m in the role of participant.
5. When you answer a question, use the “REPLY” link just under that question. This keeps the comments organized. If you don’t do this, and use the regular comment box at the bottom of the page, it will not keep the comments sorted.
6. Feel free to borrow from what others write. They will give you an idea for your own work. We’re all doing this together, and can learn a lot from each other.
7. You may use an initial, or a pseudonym, if you want to preserve your anonymity in the comments below.

Start by registering here.