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What Makes The Work Come Alive

Roses will grow in most soil, but they really thrive in certain soil.

There Are Two Things That Make The Work Work

The first is technical. The second is emotional.

On the technical side, The Work works only when you follow the simple directions. That means, use the four questions as they are written. Find the technical turnarounds correctly. And look for turnaround examples.

That’s the technique. You’re either doing The Work, or you’re not. If you’re just having a conversation, or if you’re justifying, or defending, or going into story, then it’s not The Work. And not much changes even if you do “The Work” this way.

But Technique Alone Is Not Enough

Technique must be there. But what really makes The Work come alive is when it is connected to what’s real for you.

This can be done by bringing what’s really up for you each time you do The Work. Offering your most precious issues into the fire of inquiry.

It may feel safer to just work stuff you don’t really care about. And that’s fine too. Those other issues will become clearer through your work on them. But if you can be courageous enough to air the stuff that’s really bothering you, as embarrassing or difficult as it may be, that’s when The Work really blossoms and soars.

If you bring what’s really going on for you, then The Work can serve you in the place where you’re needing it the most. Then the heart, the emotions, and your whole being gets involved in the process. Not just your intellect.

So I Invite You to Check in with Yourself Each Time

Before you start to identify new stressful thoughts to work, ask yourself, “What’s up for me today? What’s really going on for me?”

And let whatever issue that emerges become a new direction for your work. Then ride that direction as far as you need to ride it through inquiry, maybe for days, or weeks, or just a few minutes. Work it until it’s done, or until another more pressing thing comes up to work on.

If you listen, you will be led. And when you listen, your work will become intimate and dear and transformational.

Have a great week,

“If you don’t know what to write about, wait. Life will give you a topic.” Byron Katie, Loving What Is

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Todd Smith has been doing The Work of Byron Katie on an almost daily basis since 2007. He is just as excited about this simple process of self-inquiry today as he was when he first came across it. He also enjoys writing about The Work, and training others in the subtleties of this meditative process. Join Todd for The Work 101 online course, private sessions, virtual retreats, and his ongoing Inquiry Circle group.