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Why Do The Work On Something That Doesn’t Bother You Anymore?

If you wait long enough, any storm will pass. But can you be happy when it’s raining? That’s the real question.

We’re Used to Fixing Problems

If it’s broke, fix it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. There’s wisdom in those words. But it’s not an absolute.

It’s common, when doing The Work of Byron Katie, to notice a stressful situation and think, “I need to do The Work on that.” And just as often, the stress passes without doing The Work on it and the next thought is, “I don’t need to do The Work on that one anymore.”

On one level this is true. I generally just do The Work on what is up for me. But just because the stress has passed, doesn’t mean there’s no value in doing The Work on it.

I Commonly Continue Working A Stressful Situation Long After The Stress Has Passe

Why would I do that?

From the point of view of “getting out of pain,” it makes no sense. I’m already out of the pain. Why bother going back into it to do The Work on it?

But there’s another reason for me to do The Work besides “getting out of pain.” I most often do The Work to learn how to live. In other words, to learn how to not get stressed by anything.

And that’s why going back and thoroughly working through a stressful situation, even if the stress has passed, is so valuable to me.

Stress Passes Because Stressful Thoughts Become Latent

The experience of stress can disappear for two very different reasons. It can disappear because my attention somehow shifts away from the issue. Or it can disappear because I have discovered a new way of experiencing the same situation.

When my attention shifts away from the issue, I feel better. But the potential for getting triggered again by a similar situation remains latent. It’s just a matter of time before I get triggered again.

But when I do The Work on it, I often discover a whole new way of seeing the situation. I discover options for maintaining peace in that situation itself. This is true freedom. I have made myself stronger. And now I don’t have to avoid that kind of situation to stay happy. I can go in any direction without fear.

That’s Why I Do The Work On Situations That No Longer Feel Acutely Stressful

I trust that, if I got triggered, it means I have a weak spot there.

So I go back and do The Work on the situation that triggered me. I strengthen my weak spot by unraveling my story there. Once unraveled, there’s no going back to that old, stressful way of seeing things.

This is preventive maintenance. This is the opposite of a Band-Aid solution. This is cure.

Have a great weekend,

“This Work can not only show you, but it can take you into all the hidden corners of it and flood them with light as you go. It’s a thorough housecleaning. And until it’s done, there’s no peace.” Byron Katie, Loving What Is

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Todd Smith has been doing The Work of Byron Katie on an almost daily basis since 2007. He is just as excited about this simple process of self-inquiry today as he was when he first came across it. He also enjoys writing about The Work, and training others in the subtleties of this meditative process. Join Todd for The Work 101 online course, private sessions, virtual retreats, and his ongoing Inquiry Circle group.