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Self-Paced Inquiry – Next Registration Closes Dec 22


Pranayama at Chidambaram Temple, India.

After you have been practicing The Work for a while, and have established a habit of doing it every day, you may find that you want more flexibility than what Slow-Cook Inquiry and Steady Pace Inquiry offer.

Sometimes you want to go faster with a worksheet. Two weeks, or two months, are too slow for some worksheets. Other times you do want to slow it down and spend a lot of time on one worksheet over several days or weeks.

Also, there are times when you want to work self-judgments, or fears, or shameful thoughts. These kinds of thoughts sometimes lead to Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheets, and sometimes it’s also helpful to work them as they come out from the uncensored mind.

In Slow-Cook Inquiry and Steady Pace Inquiry We Move as a Group

This makes it difficult to go at your own pace. There are great advantages to moving with a group, and going at a slow pace.

But if you feel a need to be more in control of how your inquiry is directed, Self-Paced Inquiry may be for you.

In Self-Paced Inquiry, You Can Work as Slow or as Fast as you Like on Each Worksheet You Write

You can complete an entire worksheet in a day, or you can work it more thoroughly over several days or weeks.

This allows flexibility when dealing with different subjects, or different variations in your daily schedule.

Self-Paced Inquiry also gives you the option to work self-judgments or any other thoughts free-form without a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet when you wish.

You should plan to budget 20-60 minutes Monday through Friday for Self-Paced Inquiry.

Great Community

On the forum, we get to share anonymously and deeply what’s really going on for us. It’s a very safe environment. As a result, we all become closer to each other, even though we have never met.

Join our community today. It’s here for you. You don’t even have to leave your computer screen. This community can be a great support if you want to do The Work deeply and consistently at your own pace. There are currently 4 participants including me.


Self-Paced Inquiry is open to anyone who has completed “The Work 101 with Todd” course, or Byron Katie’s “School for The Work.” If you have not completed either of these courses, and feel that you have a lot of experience with The Work, please contact me for special consideration.

You can learn more about The Work 101 with Todd here. And Byron Katie’s School for The Work here.

Learning Curve

If you have never used a forum before, you can expect a bit of a learning curve for the first week or two. Once you learn the specific workflow of this forum, it becomes second nature. This is why we have an Orientation Week the first week that you are in the forum.

Here’s One Participant’s Experience


Sophie, France

“I spent years learning about the Work of Byron Katie in theory mainly. I did some Work, some worksheets, during The School and the 2 seminars. And then in my head (which doesn’t really count) a bit. I did the One-Belief-At-A Time worksheet. Did a few amend letters.

“I was very reluctant to actually do The Work. I was scared. My ego resisted. I thought I wouldn’t have enough subjects for worksheets (I was so wrong!!). I finally jumped into the practice by signing up for Self-Paced Inquiry. And what a change it has brought me, it’s even better than what I expected!

“Each of my worksheets brings me peace and new perspectives on my mind and my life. Each of the worksheets from the other participants is full of wisdom and all sorts of things I can relate to. I feel so much trust and connection with everybody.

“The forum is very well organized, it’s so practical as we do it whenever we want.

“I Get as Much as in a Live Facilitation (or More)

“I have the experience to really do the Work by myself. There is no cross-talking, no need to go quickly or to try to please the facilitator. And it’s much cheaper than private sessions.

“I love the fact that everything is written. We can come back to what we wrote (and thought) again and again. We can take our time to stay in the questions as long as we want. The comments from others are so pertinent, helpful and supportive.

“It is “hard” work and, at the same time, I enjoy it tremendously because I see myself changing every day, being more clear, understanding it in practice and not in theory only. Huge difference.

“I really like to practice the Living Turnarounds (that I choose) and reporting how it went.”

Sophie, France

Here’s The Same Participant’s Experience after Participating for One Year

  • I am less addicted (alcohol, sweet).
  • More confident (with strangers)… more Work to do there. I still want to please, or scared to hurt feelings. But much better than before.
  • I have less “petty worries”: I used to have a list of little things that worried me, now I have list of gratitudes I write at the end of the day.
  • When I drive, much less stressed. I am almost never cursing other drivers in their cars now.
  • With my husband I still can get annoyed, angry sometimes, but much easier to talk about it, and it always comes back to more understanding, and very quickly.
  • I see stresses as an opportunity to write a worksheet. I have confidence the stress will change and that I will find advantages to the situation.
  • I wake up with energy.
  • I still wake up during the night sometimes but am not that annoyed about it. I read or listen to my iPod.
  • With my dad’s disease I am okay with how things are now. I don’t think it should be different.
  • I think I have other examples but cannot think of them right now.

All these amazing differences (from my life a year ago) are worth the Work I do in the morning or afternoon with Self-Paced Inquiry.

In 10 days it will be my first “birthday.” I am so happy for starting it. I could have done more, I didn’t do a worksheet a day but what I did has so greatly improved my quality of life. And I can aim at doing more, not because I want to be perfect but because it feels so good. The consequences of the Work are freeing, I learn so much.”

Sophie, France

It’s-Not-A-Good-Fit-For-Me Guarantee

As with all other products that I offer, Self-Paced Inquiry comes with a risk-free guarantee. If you try it and don’t like it, just let me know, and I’ll be happy to return your money. I encourage you to give it a try today.

If you would like to participate but cannot afford it, please contact me to see if you qualify for a scholarship.

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