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Writing a Worksheet on Debt

Like a big ship in close quarters, debt can be intimidating.

Debt Has a Bad Reputation

And rightfully so.

I’ve heard financial advisors say that getting rid of debt is the best investment you can make. Debt sucks a lot of money down with it.

But when you live with debt, you have a choice. You can live with it peacefully or stressfully. Writing a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet on debt can be a way to make peace with the enemy.

A Client Recently Did This

She wrote a whole worksheet on debt, the enemy. The one that was sucking away her life blood. And she questioned what she wrote using the four questions and turnarounds of The Work. it was fascinating work.

There were thoughts like, “Debt is blocking our retirement plan. It is pushing me back from an affluent mindset. I need it to stop jeopardizing my confidence.”

What she found is that she was exaggerating the power of debt in her mind and making it out to be huge, when in reality it was actually quite manageable. The mind somehow got hypnotized by the idea of debt, and froze.

Debt Was Not Blocking the Retirement Plan at All

At best, it could delay its completion by 5-6 months. No big deal.

In reality, debt was there to help her step-up her game, and to challenge her to be flexible with her plans. Nothing scary at all. Exciting actually! An opportunity to grow.

I Invite You to Write a Worksheet on Debt

If you are in debt in any way, and feel stressed about it, then I encourage you to write a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet on debt itself in your situation. You can download a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet here. Then use the four questions and turnarounds to find the other side of the story.

If you get stuck, let me know.

Become a Premium Client and do The Work with me once or twice a month.

Have a great week,

“Wealth and poverty are in your own mind. You could be rich with ten dollars or poor with a billion dollars. It’s just your story about money that strikes terror in your heart.” — Byron Katie, Question Your Thinking, Change the World, p. 143.

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