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Love vs. Being In Love

Love is lovely, but what is love?

When You Think of Love Do You Think of Being In Love?

For me there’s a difference between love and being in love. Being in love has an intensity about it that love does not.

For me, love is a kind of a baseline. Like happiness. Or better yet, like being. It is nothing I can put my finger on. It’s quiet, subtle, almost unseen. It’s like potential energy. While being in love is kinetic.

Being in love is energy in motion. It’s as if the wholeness of love gets focused on a particular thing. And that focus makes me fall towards the one I love.

Being In Love Has a Mixed Reputation

On the one hand, it is hailed as the pinnacle of emotion. Everyone is looking for love. And on the other hand, it is sometimes scorned as addictive, illusory, or egoistic, especially by spiritual camps.

So love becomes confusing.

Is it good or bad?

Only You Can Know

If being in love feels stressful, as in “I need it” then question your stressful thoughts. I need her. I need him. Is that true? Who would you be without the desperation?

But if you believe that being in love is a bad thing for spiritual reasons then question those stressful thoughts as well. Who would you be without the thought that being in love was bad?

Only you can find your own truth. And there may be many sides to truth. I invite you to explore all sides of it through inquiry. Simply let your stressful feelings be your guide as you look for the next stressful thought to question.

An open mind will question anything.

And if you want to question your thoughts about love, I’m here to support you in that through private sessions.

Have a great week,

“Love is so big that you can die in it—die of self and be fully consumed in it. It’s what you are, and it will have all of you back to itself again. So simple.” — Byron Katie, Loving What Is.

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