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I Have to Write a Good Worksheet, Is That True?

If I think, “I have to take a good photograph,” my enthusiasm drops and pressure mounts. Ironically, it does not lead to creating good photos

Some Clients Worry About Writing a Good Worksheet

Actually, the word “good” is just code for “perfect.”

If you notice that you want to write a perfect worksheet, it’s time to stop and look at your motives. Why do you want to write a perfect worksheet, or even just a good worksheet?

Here Are Some Common Motives

1. If I do this one really well, I won’t have to do more work.

2. I want to impress my facilitator (or at least I don’t want to look bad).

3. I want to impress the others who are following my work, and show them how enlightened I am.

Each One of These Motives Can Be Questioned

1. The first one is worth questioning as it is, “If I do this one really well, I won’t have to do more work, is that true?” And there are other beliefs hanging around worth questioning, “I have to do The Work.” And, “I need to fix myself.” And, “The Work will fix me.” These beliefs add a lot of pressure to simple inquiry. I encourage you to question any similar beliefs you may have about doing The Work.

2. If you worry that your facilitator won’t think you’re doing it right, then that’s a clear-cut Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet to write on your facilitator. Don’t miss writing this valuable worksheet. Also, keep in mind that you never have to have a worksheet written when you show up for facilitation. You can always ask to write a worksheet with your facilitator at the beginning of your session.

3. Wanting to impress others who are following your work is another invitation to write a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet. This sometimes happens in group work. And the prescription is the same: write a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet on the person, or people, who you are trying to impress. We’ve done this very exercise in Steady Pace Inquiry and it was very helpful.

And Play with Writing a Bad Worksheet

I encourage you to just write a really crappy worksheet, like you really don’t know what you’re doing. Just answer the questions, and get through it.

Then go back and work it. I’m willing to bet that that crappy worksheet is as valuable as the most perfect worksheet you could ever write.

In fact, it’s probably more valuable because it’s a closer reflection of your raw mind, without all the polishing. Raw thoughts on paper are usually a better gateway to my own truth than polished manuscripts.

The Work is about finding your own truth. Why not let it all hang out when you’re writing a worksheet?

And if you want some help writing a worksheet, a 30-min private session with me is the perfect amount of time to write a Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet with me.

Have a great weekend,

“Write down your thoughts without trying to censor them. Sit with your pen and paper and just wait. The words will come. The story will come. And if you really want to know the truth, if you’re not afraid to see your story on paper, the ego will write like a maniac. It doesn’t care; it’s totally uninhibited. This is the day the ego has been waiting for. Give it its life on paper. It has been waiting for you to stop, just once, and really listen to it. It will tell you everything, like a child. Then, when the mind is expressed on paper, you can inquire.” — Byron Katie, Loving What Is.

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Todd Smith has been doing The Work of Byron Katie on an almost daily basis since 2007. He is just as excited about this simple process of self-inquiry today as he was when he first came across it. He also enjoys writing about The Work, and training others in the subtleties of this meditative process. Join Todd for The Work 101 online course, private sessions, virtual retreats, and his ongoing Inquiry Circle group.