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Poetry: People Who Won’t Do Your Will

(Yellow Star Thistle)

I just received this poem by my friend, Daniel Sperry. For me, this poem embodies the spirit of The Work of Byron Katie. I thought you might enjoy it too…

People Who Won’t Do Your Will

I survey the landscape out here in Eagle Point,
the morning is wet and slow and it seems hard to believe
the sun will perform it’s usual fanfare, the trumpets
blaring, the orchestra coming in with lush violins – no,
we have nothing here but the low rumble of double basses
and the question of why everyone is not agreeing with me.

Not that I have such a star-struck record of good
weather, rainbows cropping up every time I turn around.
The people who disagree with me often seem to sit up
on a deck with a nice view and have a good idea
of what they are talking about. Some things I choose, other’s
I don’t, now I am trying to see through the fog how
what you believe might be true for me, or at least not hurt me.

For we all have to live together, they say, even if you can very well
stay away from the people you could do without, either
by running, or maybe by staying away
from the silent sky of your own heart, the pure space that
touches us all, end to end, letting those clouds roll in
without any reason other than a weatherman’s explanation,
“ a cold front will arrive today…”

For I am one of the people who will not do my will, not
if my life depended on it. And it might be better now if
I can just find a good warm jacket to put on and go out into the
weather, one man walking in the vast space we all tumble from,
making my way like a creature who belongs here,
into the sea full of star thistles, drinking in the dry
yellow stalks, amazed.

-Daniel Sperry, 2012

Have a great week,