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Introducing Slow-Cook Inquiry

Image of someone cooking

We’ve been doing Blog Popcorn facilitation of The Work of Byron Katie for a few weeks now. You can read more about Blog Popcorn here.

Today, I’m introducing a new twist on Blog Popcorn called “Slow-Cook Inquiry.” Slow Cook-Inquiry is just like Blog Popcorn, but it’s slower. We just answer one or two questions per day.

This has the big advantage of letting you show up on your own time every day to contribute. You don’t have to worry about making time for a regular Blog Popcorn session. Slow Cook Inquiry fits easily in your schedule.

Here’s How It Works

1. You Inquiry Circle here.
2. You will get an email with the next step of inquiry every day (five days a week).
3. You click on the link in the email to come back here to the blog.
4. You post your answers to the question on the blog.
5. You read and get inspiration from what others have posted.
6. This will continue until we have thoroughly worked the stressful concept. Then we’ll start with a new concept for the next week.

This Week’s Concept

This week we will be questioning the stressful thought, “‘Hunger Games’ was a sick movie.”

Did you see ‘Hunger Games’? I did last weekend. What was I thinking? That movie was sick. (Did anyone say stressful thought?).

This week we’re going to question the stressful thought, “That movie was sick.” If you haven’t seen “Hunger Games,” you don’t need to. Just find another movie where you had the stressful thought, “This movie is sick.”

We’ll all do The Work on this concept together in the comment section below.

Here Is This Week’s Schedule

Thursday, March 29, 2012: Share the name of the movie you think is sick. And answer 1. “Is it true?” and 2. “Can you absolutely know it’s true?”
Friday, March 30, 2012: “How do you react when you believe that the movie is sick.”
Monday, April 2, 2012: “Who would you be without that thought that the movie is sick.”
Tuesday, April 3, 2012: First Turnaround: “I am sick.”
Wednesday, April 4, 2012: Second Turnaround: “The movie is not sick”
Thursday, April 5, 2012: Third Turnaround: “The movie is sick (how is that a good thing)”

Start by Inquiry Circle here.