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Month: October 2017

The Danger of Questioning Certain One-Liners

If I want an apple, and I think, “I shouldn’t have an apple,” and then I question “I shouldn’t have an apple,” I can end up using The Work to justify taking one. The Work is not about justifying. The work is about taking responsibility. it is about coming back to integrity. But even The Work can be misused by the mind. This happens most commonly when people are new to The Work, and most most especially when people are working one-liners in a free-form way. This is one reason why Byron Katie invites us to use the Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet as the primary way for identifying stressful thoughts to question. This problem doesn’t come up much when you’re using the Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet. But when you’re working one-liners free-form, the mind can try to reverse-engineer things, or more commonly, step innocently into this trap.

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Practicing Public Imperfection

In my attempt to be something other than what I really am, I have to manipulate. I have to hide some things, and promote other things. I can’t just be. The appeal of manipulation is to hypnotize others into believing I’m something other than what I am—in the hopes that, when they believe it, maybe I’ll believe it too. It’s a complicated way of trying to fool myself into believing that I’m something other than what I am. Luckily self-inquiry cuts through all this pretending like a knife.

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