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He Stopped Loving Me – Video Recording

Imagine you broke-up with a boyfriend, or girlfriend, a few months ago.

It was a bit of a rough break-up. You didn’t really want it to end, but you knew it just wasn’t working for you. You needed your space again to work things out.

You still kept in touch after the break-up. Email mainly. And enjoyed the more distant connection you still had as friends.

That Is, Until You Ran Into Them In Person

When you saw them, sitting there outside a meeting, you were expecting the warmth of friendship. A hug and a smile. And a chance to catch-up, even briefly.

But you got none of it.

Instead, they were detached and cold. And nothing you could do could recreate the warmth that you were expecting from them. As you watched, the feeling of hurt began to grow.

That’s What Happened To The Client In This Video

In this video she questions the stressful thought, “He stopped loving me.” And I facilitate her using the four questions and turnarounds of The Work of Byron Katie.

Take a look.

Her Work May Be Your Work

Maybe it’s not a boyfriend or girlfriend that stopped loving you. Maybe it’s a mother or father, or a brother, or sister, or aunt, or friend.

Where was it that someone you expected to be warm and kind was distant and strained with you instead? Where was it that someone stopped loving you, even briefly? Was it stressful?

I invite you to find your own similar situation, and follow along as this woman does her work.

Have a great week,

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